It is that time of year. So much is going on and coming up. And, that is natural. When overwhelm hits, it feels like you need to do all the things. What actually needs to happen is taking a step back. Not much good comes from action that is done out of an unregulated...
The One Question to Ask Yourself in Overwhelming, Intense Moments
Every human has them. No matter how much work you have done on yourself. No matter how many skills you have. Overwhelming times descend upon us all. It could feel like anger, like panic, like fear. Any kind of intensity. Here’s the ONE question you can ask yourself that can get you closer to...
What Does Self Care Actually Mean? [Hint: it’s not planning a vacation or getting organized]
Buying something nice for yourself, planning a vacation, or getting organized can feel good. And you know there are times when those things barely scratch the surface of what you actually need. These are times where all you want to do is avoid, fix or stop what you are feeling. You want relief. These...
Did You Know This One Thing is a Major Factor in How You Care for Yourself?
Self care has gotten a lot of press lately, which is good. The distinction between being selfish and caring for yourself is an important one. Knowing that your cup needs to be full in order for you to be able to support others is also important. Here’s the one thing that is not being...
HSPs, Empaths and This Important Missing Piece
There is more and more talk about HSPs (Highly Sensitive People) and about empaths. And, I love that. Finally, there is a way to understand what many people have been living. These are people who have long felt there is something wrong with them because they are not like the majority of people. And,...
3 Things That Help When You Are Beyond Stressed
When you are beyond stressed, there are very few self care remedies that you feel like doing. Even if they are going to do wonders for you like exercise or breathing or meditation. Honestly, when I am beyond, I could care less about what is going to be good for me. I just need...
3 Reasons Why You Need to Care About Mindfulness
Everyone is talking about Mindfulness. To the point where you might not want to care about it. You probably see annoying memes about the present moment. I get it. Sometimes I scroll by and just want to hate it. But, the reason mindfulness is huge is because it actually is a huge deal. Literally,...
This is How You Can Use Stress to Your Advantage
Most people think of stress as a bad word. And it kind of is. No one likes feeling stressed, everyone wants to get rid of stress. I get it. But have you thought about the fact that you can actually turn the tables? It’s possible. I know it seems impossible, but I’m going to...