It’s natural to feel responsible for things you’re not responsible for. Feeling like everything is on you can be exhausting and can lead to breaking you down physically and/or emotionally. Let’s talk about 3 things that you can let go of and remind yourself that you do not have to be responsible for in...
Emotional Maturity vs Emotional Immaturity
It’s only recently that emotional maturity has been the focus of attention and this is great news. Emotional immaturity has been the cause of so much distress in our lives and relationships and now we are learning to do better. The operative word is learning! Check out some of the indicators of emotional maturity...
6 Ways To Cope With Parental Burnout
Parental burnout is real. And, it’s coming up a lot right now. Summer is over, kids are adjusting to the routine of being back in school, pandemic restrictions and concerns have largely been lifted… yet many parents may be finding themselves exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed and burnt out. But why??? Where are these feelings coming...
How To Support Your Nervous System
In our last post we discussed nervous system regulation and how it can impact your mental and emotional health. Now let’s cover how to support your nervous system and develop habits to cope before stressful situations occur. How to Know your sympathetic nervous system is activated If you pay close attention to your...
Try this One Trick To Add Mindfulness To Your Day
Do you ever try to take a relaxing moment to yourself, and then notice your brain is escaping to the never ending to do list, upcoming events, or a past mistake? Our brain tends to focus on the past or future, which can lead to triggering emotional moments throughout our day. Mindfulness is a...
3 Reasons Nervous System Regulation is Essential to Your Mental Health
You have probably seen people in the mental health and mindfulness space talk about nervous system regulation. Nervous system regulation sounds complicated but once you understand some basics, it’s easy to see the immediate positive impact it can have on your life. So, let’s go over the basics of what that means and why...
Resource [time sensitive]: Getting Your Kids to Play on Their Own
Working from home with kids is not the easiest. Especially if you haven’t spent years perfecting it! I came across this FREE resource and wanted to share it with you. It is a presentation and “how to” cheatsheet that will help you set up your young kids to play independently. Here it is. Not...
Did You Know Foods You Crave May Be Related to Brain Chemicals and Emotions You Are Trying to Balance?
Julie Simon, MFT is an Los Angeles based therapist who works with people and their relationship with food. She has written When Food is Comfort and The Emotional Eaters Repair Manual. She also runs Overeating Recovery groups and has a 12 week program that can be done in person or remotely. I recently received...
Is Rest At The Top of Your To Do List? Why Not?
We all know there is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to productivity. But do you act on the signals your body is giving you to take a break? It’s hard to do that, isn’t it? While we all might ignore hunger, thirst or bathroom signals when we are busy, stopping to...
Telltale Signs of Burnout: the best list I’ve seen
Burnout is real. Not only is it miserable for you, it’s toxic for your health and your relationships. You know this already. What you might not know about is these four signs that are about real life. Be honest with yourself when you look at this: 4 Signs of Stress and Burnout. Why? Because...