Our very own Anna Pirkl, MFT, ATR, LADAAC partnered with South Bay Families Connected and created this wonderful series of short videos to support you in staying motivated during distance learning. I know everyone can use some support in this area. I love how the videos are only a couple minutes (if that!) each....
Community Resource: South Bay Families Connected with Anna Pirkl, MFT, ATR, LAADAC Talking about Improving Mental Health Through Kindness
Anna Pirkl, MFT, ATR, LAADAC, one of our One Heart therapists, partners with South Bay Families Connected to do outreach in the community on her own time, outside of her work with OHCC. South Bay Families Connected is a non-profit organization whose mission it is “to improve the social and emotional wellness of South...
Help Your Child Build This Essential Skill
Our very own Anna Pirkl, M.A., MFT, ATR, LAADAC partnered with South Bay Families Connected to produce this short video to support parents in knowing how to support their kids in building compassion. Anna talks about specific ways to do this with your child, in your home and in your community. South Bay Families...
Supporting Your Child Through Worry and Anxiety
Our very own Anna Pirkl, M.A., MFT, ATR, LAADAC partnered with South Bay Families Connected to produce this short video to support parents in knowing how to support their kids through moments of worry or anxiety. South Bay Families Connected is an incredible online resource for parents, children and teens as well as an...