Before becoming a mother you can read all the books and spend months preparing for what you think it will be like, but there will always be things you cannot anticipate until you are in the middle of this new and exciting role. Let’s discuss a few things that I wish women knew before...
3 Reasons To Consider In-home Therapy as a New Parent
You’ve just come home from the hospital with your new baby and you’re sleep deprived, not knowing which way is up and which way is down, if it’s day or night, if you’ve eaten or not eaten. Those first few days, weeks, and months even can be one of life’s biggest adjustments and changes....
The difference between Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression
Contrary to what some people believe, the baby blues and postpartum depression are not the same. Although they are both common, they can be different when it comes to how intense the symptoms are and how long they last. Let’s break it down and identify the differences. The Timeline Baby blues are common in...
What is Postpartum Anxiety?
Postpartum depression is really well known but postpartum anxiety isn’t talked about as much. So let’s break this down. What is it + why does it happen? As a new mom you may feel tense or anxious in the beginning because being responsible for a human life can be overwhelming. Yes, you also feel...
Perinatal Therapy for New Moms
Whether you are an expectant mother, a new mother or just thinking about trying to conceive, learning about perinatal therapy may be a good idea. The journey of motherhood, at all stages, is a happy one but it can also be stressful and trigger a variety of emotions that you may never have experienced...