It’s common for people to use the words nice and kind interchangeably because they think they mean the same thing. But it’s possible to be one and not the other. You may think in order to be nice you have to always agree with people and never upset them. But that means there will...
3 Reasons Why You People Please
Do you have trouble saying no? Do you constantly worry what people think about you and you find yourself apologizing frequently? Do you avoid confrontation and feel responsible for other people’s feelings? If you struggle with any of these things then you may be a people pleaser. Let’s get to the bottom of what...
What is Self Abandonment?
There’s a lot of information out there about abandonment issues, but what about self abandonment? And why is self abandonment a problem? Abandonment issues are essentially the fear of being left. Usually because an important figure was not present when you were young. The way this shows up is through having an anxious attachment....