How many fulfilling conversations are you having in a day? I know life is busy and it’s easy to slip into auto pilot, so that might even be a hard question to answer. You and everyone else you are talking with in your life, from strangers to loved ones, fundamentally want one thing. To...
This Father’s Response to his Daughter’s Feelings Captures the Essence of Emotional Health
This viral video was shared in a group recently and it stopped me in my tracks. Watch what he does in the first video (3 min) and then listen to what he says about that experience in the second video (4 min). And then I’ll share about how this captures where we are going...
Resource: The Empowered Family (teaching kids body safety, boundaries and consent)
I was having a conversation at the gym this morning with my running coach about how there has been a change in the last decade related to what people are looking for when they come to therapy. Of course, people contact us when they are in difficult situations. Naturally. AND, at an increasing rate,...
A Sweet 3 Minute Video to Help You Show Up Better for the Ones You Love
Whether you know a lot about empathy or not, this is worth the 3 minutes. Brene Brown gets across such vital information in an accessible way with her humor and relatability. This short cartoon is a great reminder or great way see how to build empathy into daily interactions. Great for kid too!...
Resource: Happily Family Shares about How Kids Learn to Speak Up For Themselves
Happily Family is a fantastic parenting resource that offers bi-annual conferences that include big names in the field of psychology, coaching, membership programs that offer group support and lots of incredible free content. They share in such a relatable and compassionate way, it is a support for parents as people just as much as...
Did Your Kid Hear That? What Kids Know and How to Communicate About It.
We talk a lot in sessions about what kids hear and witness when there is stress going on inside a family. Did they hear it or see it? Do they know? If a parent cries or parents argue, on some level, kids are going to know. They might directly see or hear. Or they...
3 Things That Help When You Are Beyond Stressed
When you are beyond stressed, there are very few self care remedies that you feel like doing. Even if they are going to do wonders for you like exercise or breathing or meditation. Honestly, when I am beyond, I could care less about what is going to be good for me. I just need...
Lawnmower Parenting–It is so tempting!!
I’m pretty sure you would answer with a resounding “YES!” if I asked you whether you wanted to raise your child to be resilient. Right, because you care about raising a child that can be a successful, well adjusted, contributing member to society. What if you are doing something that goes against this goal...
Keeping Your Cool When Your Kids Are Not
I think we go into parenthood with the intention of showing love to our children and staying calm when our children are upset or misbehaving. We plan to parent in such a way that our children will only need to be told to do something once before they listen and immediately follow directions. I...
Help Your Child Build This Essential Skill
Our very own Anna Pirkl, M.A., MFT, ATR, LAADAC partnered with South Bay Families Connected to produce this short video to support parents in knowing how to support their kids in building compassion. Anna talks about specific ways to do this with your child, in your home and in your community. South Bay Families...