Being physically drained and emotionally drained are not the same thing. Even though they can sometimes look similar. Why is it helpful to know if you’re emotionally drained? It can save you a fight and it can help you take better care of yourself because being emotionally drained is not something we really know...
How Do You Know When You Need A Break From Social Media?
A lot of parents bring up phone time and social media use as concerns in sessions. We thought we’d take a minute to talk about this because it’s important for teens, but also for you as adults. Social media and screen time are here to stay and it’s not all bad. So let’s learn...
6 Ways To Cope With Parental Burnout
Parental burnout is real. And, it’s coming up a lot right now. Summer is over, kids are adjusting to the routine of being back in school, pandemic restrictions and concerns have largely been lifted… yet many parents may be finding themselves exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed and burnt out. But why??? Where are these feelings coming...
Let’s Talk About This Strategy: Ignore Your Child’s Tantrums or Big Feelings
This is a big parenting technique that has been taught for decades about how to deal with tantrums and big feelings: just ignore them. And, if we’re being honest, it makes sense coming from a behavioral perspective – reinforce behaviors you want to see more of and ignore behaviors you want to see less...
I know Fight or Flight, But What is A “Fawn” Trauma Response?
There’s a lot more information about trauma out there on social media now, which is great because it elevates collective awareness around trauma and how it impacts our daily lives. You’ve probably heard of flight or flight as responses to trauma triggers, but you may not have heard so much about what the “fawn”...
3 Ways to Instill Emotional Maturity in Your Kids
It’s never too early to begin laying the foundation for emotional maturity. Kids will take on what you, as the parent, create as the norm. I recently witnessed a two year old take a full body breath after she started whining, when her mom guided her to take a breath. It was clear she...
Preparing for Back to School
It’s almost that time! We thought we’d take a moment to talk about preparing to return to school. Transitions can be tough for kids AND adults. For some families, it might be ‘sweet relief’ to get into the structure and flow of a school year; for others, it might be a battle. So let’s...
Relief for 3 Common Parenting Traps
There is no parent in the world that wakes up and says “I’m going to be a terrible parent today”. As a parent you are doing your very best, and sometimes it can seem like doing your best means that your parenting needs to be perfect and you need to have a perfect, happy...
3 Reasons Boundaries with Yourself Matter
There’s a lot of conversation around holding boundaries with people in our life. But how about with ourselves? If we are putting an emphasis on something like boundaries in a relationship, we also want to check in on what we are doing around that very same topic in our relationship with ourselves. Let’s talk...
6 Ways to Cope with the Holidays when you Have Postpartum Depression
All is calm… All is bright… but not for everyone. If you just had a baby then your home is definitely not calm, there is probably a lot of crying and a lot of sleepless nights happening in your house. And if you are struggling or recovering from postpartum depression or anxiety then this...