This comes up a lot. I get that it is confusing. How can an interaction between two people not be personal? Meaning, how can you not take what someone does or says personally??? Well, it FEELS personal. Of course. The things is, most of what people do is about them, not about you. In...
What’s Underneath the Cat and Mouse Game Present in Most Relationships?
The fear of intimacy. I know. Most people have a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that people experience a fear of intimacy and a strong desire for it at the same time. What makes it even more crazy is fear that shows up in relationships and intimacy is often hidden from...
4 Ways to Approach and Deal with Uncomfortable Truths and Conversations
I have a lot to learn. And unlearn. I have been spending time this week listening, seeing and digging deep around the issues of racism, white supremacy, white fragility, what it means to practice being an ally and anti-racist. As I hope many people in the world have. The process is uncomfortable. AND IT...
5 Ways To Bring More Harmony To Your Relationship While Being Safer at Home
For most of us, life feels extra challenging right now. One of the ways we might be experiencing this heightened struggle is in our relationship with our domestic partner. This makes sense given the increased time spent around each other in close proximity. Little irritations and pet peeves have a way of becoming (or...
Resource [time sensitive]: Getting Your Kids to Play on Their Own
Working from home with kids is not the easiest. Especially if you haven’t spent years perfecting it! I came across this FREE resource and wanted to share it with you. It is a presentation and “how to” cheatsheet that will help you set up your young kids to play independently. Here it is. Not...
eBook: 12 Creative Experiences for Personal Growth in Recovery
One of my favorite things about Anna Pirkl, MFT, ATR, LAADC is that she is committed on every level to growth and healing. For herself, for her clients, and for her community. Over the years of working together (over 6 years!), Anna has shown me that commitment through the prolific ideas she brings forward...
Resource: 2 minute Quick Coherence® Technique from the HeartMath Institute
This short technique is scientifically tested and proven to create well being physically and emotionally that we thought might be helpful to share in this moment. It’s a great thing to practice when you are going to transition activities, like from work to engage with you partner or child. It works well to start...
Resources For This Time We’ve Actually Tried and Like
There are a ton of resources going around and it is wonderful how many people want to offer support during this “Safer at Home” time as we do our part to flatten the curve. AND, all the resources are overwhelming. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the time to sift through...
How Are You Holding Up?
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Tips For Easy and Effective Online Sessions with Your Therapist
There is a lot going on right now as everyone is adjusting to this evolving situation with the Coronavirus. It’s a good idea to maintain sessions with your therapist as much as possible as I’ve been seeing a trend where the impact of what is happening showing up in indirect ways. The emotional stress...