There are so many reasons. And, so often we take it personally when someone doesn’t share. We think it means something about us. Well, sometimes that is true. Very often, it isn’t. We’ll talk about both sides. When it is not about you: There are so many factors that could contribute why someone is...
Looking at Process Over Content Can Change Your Communication
Until I trained as a therapist, I never intentionally paid attention to what happens in the process of communicating with someone. Communication just happened. As I learned what process vs content meant, I realized how much information is embedded in the actual process of communication. I spend time with clients in session often helping...
Resource: 2 minute Quick Coherence® Technique from the HeartMath Institute
This short technique is scientifically tested and proven to create well being physically and emotionally that we thought might be helpful to share in this moment. It’s a great thing to practice when you are going to transition activities, like from work to engage with you partner or child. It works well to start...
How Often Should I Go To Therapy?
Aside from “how long does therapy take?”, which was discussed last week, another common question is “how often should I be seeing my therapist?” Again, it depends. So let’s talk about that. What follows applies to those who are coming in for individual, family, couples, child or adolescent therapy. In the Beginning We recommend...
How Long Does Therapy Take?
“How long does therapy take?” is a common question that comes up on an initial phone call with someone looking to start therapy. So I wanted to take a minute to answer them in case you have that question too. So, how long does therapy take? Like most things, the answer is “it depends”....
How Are Doing the Dishes and Dealing With Feelings Related?
Not everyone is convinced that feelings are important. I get that. If you are one of those people who is not totally convinced that feelings are that big a deal, this is for you. I explain it this way often to my clients… How hard is it for you to wash a dish? Usually...
Is Rest At The Top of Your To Do List? Why Not?
We all know there is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to productivity. But do you act on the signals your body is giving you to take a break? It’s hard to do that, isn’t it? While we all might ignore hunger, thirst or bathroom signals when we are busy, stopping to...
Telltale Signs of Burnout: the best list I’ve seen
Burnout is real. Not only is it miserable for you, it’s toxic for your health and your relationships. You know this already. What you might not know about is these four signs that are about real life. Be honest with yourself when you look at this: 4 Signs of Stress and Burnout. Why? Because...
This Father’s Response to his Daughter’s Feelings Captures the Essence of Emotional Health
This viral video was shared in a group recently and it stopped me in my tracks. Watch what he does in the first video (3 min) and then listen to what he says about that experience in the second video (4 min). And then I’ll share about how this captures where we are going...
3 Quick Tips on How to Set and Hold Boundaries
Boundaries are one of the most important ways you care for your relationships and for yourself. It’s a way of being honest about what works for you and what doesn’t. This has nothing to do with being selfish. When you are not clear with others about your limits, the result is usually leading you...