How many times have you been in a conversation with a well meaning loved one and you were told something like “don’t cry”, “don’t worry”, “at least xyz didn’t happen” or “you know what you should do….”? What happened next? Did you feel heard? Did you feel like sharing more? My guess is you...
5 Instagram Accounts That Can Support Your Growth (and help detox your feed)
There are some great Instagram accounts out there that break down old ways of thinking and teach according to current concepts and findings in the psychology world. I love how these therapists, coaches and teachers are able to capture complex concepts and put them into digestible infographics or quotes. Following accounts like these are...
Resource: 2 minute Quick Coherence® Technique from the HeartMath Institute
This short technique is scientifically tested and proven to create well being physically and emotionally that we thought might be helpful to share in this moment. It’s a great thing to practice when you are going to transition activities, like from work to engage with you partner or child. It works well to start...
Wouldn’t It Be Nice To Know The Science Behind What You Are Doing Right As A Parent?
Even if you are not a parent, this is helpful information because it helps you reflect on your experiences growing up, how it impacts your current lived experience and how you engage in your current relationships. Dan Seigel and Tine Payne Bryson’s new book The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who...
How Are Doing the Dishes and Dealing With Feelings Related?
Not everyone is convinced that feelings are important. I get that. If you are one of those people who is not totally convinced that feelings are that big a deal, this is for you. I explain it this way often to my clients… How hard is it for you to wash a dish? Usually...
Did You Know Foods You Crave May Be Related to Brain Chemicals and Emotions You Are Trying to Balance?
Julie Simon, MFT is an Los Angeles based therapist who works with people and their relationship with food. She has written When Food is Comfort and The Emotional Eaters Repair Manual. She also runs Overeating Recovery groups and has a 12 week program that can be done in person or remotely. I recently received...
This Father’s Response to his Daughter’s Feelings Captures the Essence of Emotional Health
This viral video was shared in a group recently and it stopped me in my tracks. Watch what he does in the first video (3 min) and then listen to what he says about that experience in the second video (4 min). And then I’ll share about how this captures where we are going...
Overwhelmed? Take these 3 steps.
It is that time of year. So much is going on and coming up. And, that is natural. When overwhelm hits, it feels like you need to do all the things. What actually needs to happen is taking a step back. Not much good comes from action that is done out of an unregulated...
The One Question to Ask Yourself in Overwhelming, Intense Moments
Every human has them. No matter how much work you have done on yourself. No matter how many skills you have. Overwhelming times descend upon us all. It could feel like anger, like panic, like fear. Any kind of intensity. Here’s the ONE question you can ask yourself that can get you closer to...
How Do You Know Which Feelings You Can Trust As True Guidance?
Feelings as a source of information have been discounted for so long, we have some catching up to do! There are some pieces of feeling-related advice that have become commonplace like “listen to your heart”, which is progress. But what does that actually mean? Here are some guidelines for how to listen to yourself...