You have probably heard it said, or maybe you have said it yourself, “I don’t need to go to therapy, that’s what I have friends for”. Is it great to have friends to confide in and vent to when you are going through something stressful? Of course it is! But does talking to friends...
3 Things You Don’t Need to be Responsible for in 2025
It’s natural to feel responsible for things you’re not responsible for. Feeling like everything is on you can be exhausting and can lead to breaking you down physically and/or emotionally. Let’s talk about 3 things that you can let go of and remind yourself that you do not have to be responsible for in...
Limerence, Do You Need Support to Move Past it?
It’s very common to hear stories about people with romantic infatuations but they are not always rooted in love. Instead of it being love, it could be limerence. But what is limerence and when would a person need to seek help for it? Let’s break it down. Limerence is defined as: “…a state of...
The Secret to Sustainably Successful Parenting
Before becoming a parent you may think you know what type of parent you will be and how you will handle the ups and down that come along with this very important role. But you may quickly realize as a new parent that regulating your own emotions can sometimes be more of a challenge...
The difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks
People use the terms panic attack and anxiety attack interchangeably, and although they may appear to be similar, they really are very different. You might mistake a panic attack for an anxiety attack (in someone else, or yourself) if you are not aware of the differences in their causes, symptoms and impact, so let’s...
3 Ways to Cut Down on Vacation Stress So You Can Actually Enjoy Your Vacation
Vacations are supposed to be relaxing, but if you’re reading this, you know that going on vacation involves stress. Sometimes it’s stress before, during and/or after. But you can take action and cut down on the stress. Let’s break this down so you can get ahead of the curve and actually relax on your...
The Best Support You Can Offer Isn’t Advice
Are you the person everyone goes to to talk about their issues? Do people start telling you their life story out of nowhere? If you’re that person, you probably have natural gifts that help you be empathetic + supportive. But you might also experience a lot of frustration when you’ve spent your time +...
3 Reasons Therapy is Not Just Another Extra-Curricular Activity
Extra-curricular activities like sports and art classes are important for kids. They promote skill development, socialization, regulating energy levels, and physical health. But, when you’re trying to set up your kids’ after school schedule, there’s a reason not to lump therapy in with art and sports. It’s in its own category. Let’s talk about...
3 Things to Consider As You Get Back into Your Routine in 2024
Maybe you have recently had some time off and your routine has been different because your family has been in holiday mode; but now it’s time to get back into your groove. This is actually a great time to reflect on what parts of your routine have been working and what hasn’t. Sometimes we...
When Pop Mental Health Advice is Actually Enabling
There’s a lot of pop mental health advice floating around on social media these days and I’m totally here for it…well, some of it. Should we be more informed about trauma, emotional intelligence, relationship dynamics and attachment issues? Yes,100%! Although it can be beneficial, there are some times when this is actually enabling you....