I was having a conversation at the gym this morning with my running coach about how there has been a change in the last decade related to what people are looking for when they come to therapy. Of course, people contact us when they are in difficult situations. Naturally. AND, at an increasing rate,...
3 Quick Tips on How to Set and Hold Boundaries
Boundaries are one of the most important ways you care for your relationships and for yourself. It’s a way of being honest about what works for you and what doesn’t. This has nothing to do with being selfish. When you are not clear with others about your limits, the result is usually leading you...
These 4 Things Could Be Leading You Astray
Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, there are currents of thought that run through our collective society. They can be embedded posts you see on social media, come out of the mouths of your friends or family or through storylines on shows you watch. These thoughts influence us. They can lay...
Feedback: Take it or Leave it? Here’s a Guide.
Everybody loves to share their thoughts on what and how you are doing. How are you supposed to filter through all that feedback? There are two ends of the spectrum here. There is the end of the spectrum where you trust what other people say about you or what you should do over trusting your own...
How to Take Equal and Balanced Responsibility
You might be finding yourself in relationship dynamics where you are being too accountable. If you are not sure what this means, take a moment and go back to the last post about this here. I’m going to be honest with you: making a shift in a long standing dynamic is not usually easy....
What If You Are TOO Accountable?
It’s a thing: being too accountable. The concept of being responsible for your actions is a positive and empowering message communicated by good parents, respectable organizations, teachers, mental health professionals, leaders with integrity and many others. And it should be. It is an important skill: to know how to be accountable. Knowing how to...
Not Sure What Your Boundaries Are? Anger and Guilt Will Make Them Clear.
Anger and guilt are similar in the sense that they experientially disclose true boundaries and values. Not just our intellectual constructs of them. That’s the beauty of emotions, they bypass what we “think” or “expect”. To be fair, that can also be the challenge of them. They can show up without any agreement from our thoughts. And,...
This is What Happens When Anger Shows Up
The human emotional system is built as a messaging system. Each emotion has a general message it wants to convey. Once that message is delivered, the emotion or the wave of that emotion can subside. Sometimes it takes a little time for the emotion to process through the body, sometimes it is relieved right...
How to Make Setting Boundaries Easier and More Effective
Did you know you are setting boundaries all the time, maybe without even knowing it? In the personal growth world, there is a lot of talk about boundaries. First of all, what are they? Boundaries are a framework around relationship dynamics. They are the rules between people about how they interact with one another....
Here are 3 Ways to Be Powerful in Any Situation
Everyone encounters seemingly impossible situations. These are situations where it really feels like you are powerless. Your hands are tied. Like, no matter what you do, it’s not going to turn out how you want it. Usually those situations carry emotional intensity. And, let’s be honest, that emotional intensity is probably blinding for anyone,...