There are a ton of resources going around and it is wonderful how many people want to offer support during this “Safer at Home” time as we do our part to flatten the curve. AND, all the resources are overwhelming. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the time to sift through them all!
So, we wanted to put together a list of resources we have actually used or are using.
Information on COVID-19
For what is happening specifically in Los Angeles:
This is a simple page that gives you the basics in terms of stats and Mayor’s orders.
For how we’re doing with flattening the curve and when different states will peak (source: NPR): Coronavirus State-By-State Projections: When Will Each State Peak?
For up to date information on what we are learning about the virus: Former Head of CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden Twitter account
This feed seems to be helpful in terms of information, not scary and, even, a little hopeful and positive.
Support for your mental health in this situation:
David Kessler, leading grief expert, was interviewed about what is happening at this time and he outlines how much of what we are experiencing is grief. This short article helps us to make sense of what we are feeling.
A couple of ways to manage your thoughts and perception:

With the above image, it’s important to remember that there is some fluidity, it is possible to move through different zones at different times. To goal is to be conscious about where you are and make choices about where you would like to focus.

Support for Moving the Body:
This is crucial to keep yourself in a healthy mind space during this time. Exercise supports healthy mood and helps to expand your perspective. It will help you and everyone in your home if you invest some time in making sure you are regularly exercising. It also helps with anxiety as exercise provides an outlet for that anxiety to be metabolized by the body instead of it running your thoughts.
25 Free Fitness Studios and Gyms Streaming Live Workouts
Peleton App (free trial for 90 days): offers strength, cardio, walking and running outside (coached through audio) classes, yoga, meditation and stretching.
Homeschooling Kids:
Practical and user friendly advice for parents about homeschooling:
ABC Mouse, which is an app that usually costs $10/month and can be accessed for 1 month for free if you sign up for a membership. Great resources for parents with younger kids.
Activities for Kids
Manhattan Beach Unified School District put out an extensive list of activities to do with your kids.
This is a time capsule you can create with your kids.
Support for Working from Home with Kids:
This article comes from a couple who has been working for home for 11 years, so there is some real life experience and learning they share with you here.