Before becoming a mother you can read all the books and spend months preparing for what you think it will be like, but there will always be things you cannot anticipate until you are in the middle of this new and exciting role. Let’s discuss a few things that I wish women knew before...
The Secret to Sustainably Successful Parenting
Before becoming a parent you may think you know what type of parent you will be and how you will handle the ups and down that come along with this very important role. But you may quickly realize as a new parent that regulating your own emotions can sometimes be more of a challenge...
The difference between Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression
Contrary to what some people believe, the baby blues and postpartum depression are not the same. Although they are both common, they can be different when it comes to how intense the symptoms are and how long they last. Let’s break it down and identify the differences. The Timeline Baby blues are common in...
3 Things to Teach Your Kids to Say to Reduce Sibling Fighting
Sibling fighting can happen year round but it can go through the roof during the summer. But this shouldn’t surprise you. They are together all the time and don’t get a break from each other like they do the rest of the year when they get to have their space in their own classroom,...
The Unexpected Ways Emotional Neglect Can Show Up
Emotional neglect can have a significant effect on a person’s life. The neglect may occur in childhood, however, the emotional and psychological impact can last for a very long time and show up in a variety of ways; especially because neglect isn’t always obvious. You might have feelings about how your parents cared for...
The Difference Between Being Kind and Nice
It’s common for people to use the words nice and kind interchangeably because they think they mean the same thing. But it’s possible to be one and not the other. You may think in order to be nice you have to always agree with people and never upset them. But that means there will...
Unexpected Habits of Emotionally Strong People
When you think of someone who is emotionally strong you may think that nothing bothers them or that they never struggle when they encounter hard situations in their life; but that’s not always true. Being emotionally strong does not mean a person is stone cold or never feels down, they are still human, so...
3 Things to Consider As You Get Back into Your Routine in 2024
Maybe you have recently had some time off and your routine has been different because your family has been in holiday mode; but now it’s time to get back into your groove. This is actually a great time to reflect on what parts of your routine have been working and what hasn’t. Sometimes we...
3 Reasons Why You People Please
Do you have trouble saying no? Do you constantly worry what people think about you and you find yourself apologizing frequently? Do you avoid confrontation and feel responsible for other people’s feelings? If you struggle with any of these things then you may be a people pleaser. Let’s get to the bottom of what...
So you want your teenager to spend more time at home? Let’s talk about it.
It’s super common for parents of teens to come to a session saying that they want their kids to stop being on their phone so much or stop treating home like a hotel. It’s a hard transition when teens start to put so much of their focus on their friends. It seems disrespectful, seems...