Adopting a new way of handling difficult things is usually not something you bother to do when everything is going great. Usually you decide you must make a change when there have been tough times. You are built to be drawn toward what is familiar even when that is not in your best interests...
When Things Aren’t Going Your Way, This One Question Changes Everything
Whether it feels like one thing after another or it feels like big things are not going your way, there is a helpful way to look at it. We all know that there is no “there” to get to where everything is perfect, when we are fully evolved or have our life set up...
Feedback: Take it or Leave it? Here’s a Guide.
Everybody loves to share their thoughts on what and how you are doing. How are you supposed to filter through all that feedback? There are two ends of the spectrum here. There is the end of the spectrum where you trust what other people say about you or what you should do over trusting your own...
How to Take Equal and Balanced Responsibility
You might be finding yourself in relationship dynamics where you are being too accountable. If you are not sure what this means, take a moment and go back to the last post about this here. I’m going to be honest with you: making a shift in a long standing dynamic is not usually easy....
What If You Are TOO Accountable?
It’s a thing: being too accountable. The concept of being responsible for your actions is a positive and empowering message communicated by good parents, respectable organizations, teachers, mental health professionals, leaders with integrity and many others. And it should be. It is an important skill: to know how to be accountable. Knowing how to...
How to Make Setting Boundaries Easier and More Effective
Did you know you are setting boundaries all the time, maybe without even knowing it? In the personal growth world, there is a lot of talk about boundaries. First of all, what are they? Boundaries are a framework around relationship dynamics. They are the rules between people about how they interact with one another....
This is How You “Become an Adult”
Becoming an adult. Emotional maturity. The freedoms are kind of awesome. But the responsibilities are the ones that make all the “no adulting” memes so popular. How do you know when you turn that corner into becoming an adult on an emotional level? We all know people who we think “should be an adult...
What Outdated Programs Are You Running?
Early on, human beings develop programs for dealing with things in life. You don’t realize what programs are running until they are exposed, which usually means they are causing problems. When you develop these programs, there is not a lot of conscious discernment going on. You don’t say, “hey, that seems like a good...