You have probably heard it said, or maybe you have said it yourself, “I don’t need to go to therapy, that’s what I have friends for”. Is it great to have friends to confide in and vent to when you are going through something stressful? Of course it is! But does talking to friends...
What’s the difference between being understanding and enabling?
Most of us strive to be understanding with others, especially the people in our lives that we care about. But sometimes, without realizing it, we can begin to enable dysfunctional behaviors, when all we intended to do was help someone. So let’s talk about the difference between being understanding and enabling. When it...
3 Things You Don’t Need to be Responsible for in 2025
It’s natural to feel responsible for things you’re not responsible for. Feeling like everything is on you can be exhausting and can lead to breaking you down physically and/or emotionally. Let’s talk about 3 things that you can let go of and remind yourself that you do not have to be responsible for in...
Holiday Boundaries: How Couples Can Protect Their Peace
There can be tension during the holidays when you try to decide which family you’re going to spend time with each holiday. It can also be tough to be caught in the middle between your partner and your family. Here’s how to navigate boundaries during the holidays that protect your peace and your relationship....
3 Ways to Maintain Emotional Well Being During Family Gatherings
The holidays are approaching and it can be one of the most activating times of year. You already know you can’t control what Uncle Joe says at the Thanksgiving table or what your mom says about your partner or your parenting. So how can you preserve your emotional wellbeing during family gatherings? Realistic Expectations...
Limerence, Do You Need Support to Move Past it?
It’s very common to hear stories about people with romantic infatuations but they are not always rooted in love. Instead of it being love, it could be limerence. But what is limerence and when would a person need to seek help for it? Let’s break it down. Limerence is defined as: “…a state of...
Pop Psychology Concepts that need Correction
Social media and the internet can be super helpful resources when it comes to building awareness, destigmatizing and educating about mental health. AND, of course, there can be a lot of misinformation because literally anyone can say anything on the internet. So let’s take a second to correct a few things that have gotten...
3 Ways You Can Support Your Teen
Investing in understanding the way your teen works will help you know how to support your teen, so let’s talk about that a little. The emotional development and emotional needs of a teen are complex and very different than that of adults. But if you do some research, set boundaries and keep the lines...
The Best Support You Can Offer Isn’t Advice
Are you the person everyone goes to to talk about their issues? Do people start telling you their life story out of nowhere? If you’re that person, you probably have natural gifts that help you be empathetic + supportive. But you might also experience a lot of frustration when you’ve spent your time +...
3 Things to Keep in Mind When A Family Member Needs Your Support
It’s the time of year where you probably have more contact with your family members. This means conversations may be coming up where you learn that a family member is needing your support. There is strong societal messaging around the fact that you should always “be there” for your family. This leads to feelings...