Couples therapy can be so helpful to work through issues and learn positive ways to communicate with your partner. The couples who see the most impactful results are those who start sooner. Destigmatizing couple’s therapy and preparing for the process together can set you and your partner up for a successful therapy experience. When...
How to Find A Therapist
It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you are taking the first steps to begin therapy. You might be wondering if now is the right time to start therapy; or you may have already made the decision to move forward with therapy but are not sure how to find the right therapist for you. It’s...
What to Expect When Your Teen is in Therapy
It’s very common for parents to feel lost when it comes to dealing with the challenges of parenting a teen. If these challenges become too much for your teenager, and you feel you need additional support to help them, therapy may be a wise option. Parents usually have questions about what to expect when...
What to Expect When Your Child is in Therapy
Making the decision to pursue therapy for your child Parenting is hard and it is even more challenging when your child is struggling and needs more support than you can provide. You may have gotten to this point because the feelings of frustration, worry and concern have become overwhelming. Taking the next step to...
Are You Getting the Most You Can Out of Therapy?
Therapy is not cheap. It requires resources. Both time and money, obviously. But in order for it to be as effective as possible, it requires your energy and attention. I think therapy can benefit most people, regardless of how well or how poorly life seems to be going. Increasingly, people are coming to therapy...
Tips For Easy and Effective Online Sessions with Your Therapist
There is a lot going on right now as everyone is adjusting to this evolving situation with the Coronavirus. It’s a good idea to maintain sessions with your therapist as much as possible as I’ve been seeing a trend where the impact of what is happening showing up in indirect ways. The emotional stress...
How Often Should I Go To Therapy?
Aside from “how long does therapy take?”, which was discussed last week, another common question is “how often should I be seeing my therapist?” Again, it depends. So let’s talk about that. What follows applies to those who are coming in for individual, family, couples, child or adolescent therapy. In the Beginning We recommend...
How Long Does Therapy Take?
“How long does therapy take?” is a common question that comes up on an initial phone call with someone looking to start therapy. So I wanted to take a minute to answer them in case you have that question too. So, how long does therapy take? Like most things, the answer is “it depends”....
What if you stopped going to therapy? Can you start back again?
Life gets in the way. Schedules change. Maybe you were feeling better (that’s the point!), but now you need some support and you don’t want to have to start from the beginning. Are you apprehensive about what your therapist will think if you want to come back after you kinda just dropped off? It’s...
Ever Get Cold Feet About Starting Therapy?
Cold feet. Maybe this is a term you’re familiar with when it comes to weddings. It’s what you see on movies when the bride (or groom) backs out at the last minute and runs away to a different life. “Cold feet” is the term loosely used to describe last minute thoughts of “oh, I...