Emotional neglect can have a significant effect on a person’s life. The neglect may occur in childhood, however, the emotional and psychological impact can last for a very long time and show up in a variety of ways; especially because neglect isn’t always obvious. You might have feelings about how your parents cared for...
3 Ways You Can Support Your Teen
Investing in understanding the way your teen works will help you know how to support your teen, so let’s talk about that a little. The emotional development and emotional needs of a teen are complex and very different than that of adults. But if you do some research, set boundaries and keep the lines...
The Best Support You Can Offer Isn’t Advice
Are you the person everyone goes to to talk about their issues? Do people start telling you their life story out of nowhere? If you’re that person, you probably have natural gifts that help you be empathetic + supportive. But you might also experience a lot of frustration when you’ve spent your time +...
The Difference Between Being Kind and Nice
It’s common for people to use the words nice and kind interchangeably because they think they mean the same thing. But it’s possible to be one and not the other. You may think in order to be nice you have to always agree with people and never upset them. But that means there will...
Don’t confuse communicating about your emotions with emotional dumping
There’s a lot of advice about not bottling up your emotions, being vulnerable and telling people how you feel. But when does this cross the line into emotional dumping? Here are 3 signs of emotional dumping and what to do instead: 1 – Talking about the same issues over and over again Rehashing something...
What is Postpartum Anxiety?
Postpartum depression is really well known but postpartum anxiety isn’t talked about as much. So let’s break this down. What is it + why does it happen? As a new mom you may feel tense or anxious in the beginning because being responsible for a human life can be overwhelming. Yes, you also feel...
Unexpected Habits of Emotionally Strong People
When you think of someone who is emotionally strong you may think that nothing bothers them or that they never struggle when they encounter hard situations in their life; but that’s not always true. Being emotionally strong does not mean a person is stone cold or never feels down, they are still human, so...
Healing Anxiety Doesn’t Come from Trying to Stop It
Logic might say that healing anxiety comes from stopping it. For example: trying to control anxious thoughts or avoid situations that make you anxious seem like they might be ways to get relief from anxiety. But relating to your anxiety like this is actually making it worse. Anxiety works kind of like whack a...
3 Reasons Therapy is Not Just Another Extra-Curricular Activity
Extra-curricular activities like sports and art classes are important for kids. They promote skill development, socialization, regulating energy levels, and physical health. But, when you’re trying to set up your kids’ after school schedule, there’s a reason not to lump therapy in with art and sports. It’s in its own category. Let’s talk about...
The #1 Reason Things Get Worse Before They Get Better in Therapy for Kids
You’ve probably heard before that things get worse before they get better when you start therapy. For adults, the reason is because you start to open your eyes to things you might not have been aware of in your life and in your past. For kids, it’s actually really different. Here’s why: Initially kids...