Do you ever feel like you are doing all the work? Having the SAME discussion all the time and there are no changes? What if I told you that there is a finite amount of emotional space? When you are all over the emotional space of an issue, you might be crowding it. This...
5 Reasons You Lost It When You Didn’t Mean To
Do you remember the last time you flipped out over something that doesn’t seem like a big deal in retrospect? We all do it sometimes. “Losing it” looks different for different people. For some people it looks like becoming super defensive. It can look like lashing out at someone, shutting down, being destructive or...
The Best Way to Start Trusting Your Feelings
Feelings don’t exactly have a good reputation in terms of being accurate, so I know they might be hard to trust. How can you trust your feelings? The best place to start (bear with me for 2 seconds) is by understanding a basic tenet of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The idea is that thoughts, feelings...
This is How You “Become an Adult”
Becoming an adult. Emotional maturity. The freedoms are kind of awesome. But the responsibilities are the ones that make all the “no adulting” memes so popular. How do you know when you turn that corner into becoming an adult on an emotional level? We all know people who we think “should be an adult...
3 Reasons You Need to Know Your Feelings Are About You. No One Else.
The way human beings experience emotion makes it seem like the feelings are about someone or something else. Like, it would be normal to think or say that your partner made you angry. Right? It might take a couple of mental cartwheels and somersaults to get your head around this. But you will get it. Marshall...
3 Reasons Why You Need to Care About Mindfulness
Everyone is talking about Mindfulness. To the point where you might not want to care about it. You probably see annoying memes about the present moment. I get it. Sometimes I scroll by and just want to hate it. But, the reason mindfulness is huge is because it actually is a huge deal. Literally,...
This is How You Can Use Stress to Your Advantage
Most people think of stress as a bad word. And it kind of is. No one likes feeling stressed, everyone wants to get rid of stress. I get it. But have you thought about the fact that you can actually turn the tables? It’s possible. I know it seems impossible, but I’m going to...
What Outdated Programs Are You Running?
Early on, human beings develop programs for dealing with things in life. You don’t realize what programs are running until they are exposed, which usually means they are causing problems. When you develop these programs, there is not a lot of conscious discernment going on. You don’t say, “hey, that seems like a good...
Why the Feelings You Are Tempted to Avoid Are Actually Your Keys to Success
Did you know that the unpleasant feelings you experience are essentially a cleansing system? Yes. They are arrows pointing to what needs to be changed, updated or upgraded. The hard part about the unpleasant feelings is that you might find yourself avoiding them or tempted to avoid them. And, it’s not just you. It’s me...
Why Do You Need to Know the Difference Between Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors?
When I ask: “How do you feel about that?” Most often, I get a response that starts with: “Well, I think…” Why is it hard to figure out the difference between what you feel and what you think? Why does it matter? It matters because thoughts, feelings and behaviors are the three channels your Human...