Adopting a new way of handling difficult things is usually not something you bother to do when everything is going great. Usually you decide you must make a change when there have been tough times. You are built to be drawn toward what is familiar even when that is not in your best interests...
Keeping Your Cool When Your Kids Are Not
I think we go into parenthood with the intention of showing love to our children and staying calm when our children are upset or misbehaving. We plan to parent in such a way that our children will only need to be told to do something once before they listen and immediately follow directions. I...
When Things Aren’t Going Your Way, This One Question Changes Everything
Whether it feels like one thing after another or it feels like big things are not going your way, there is a helpful way to look at it. We all know that there is no “there” to get to where everything is perfect, when we are fully evolved or have our life set up...
Free Art Therapy Coloring Pages for Helping Professionals
Are you a counselor, therapist, or other helping professional who wants to use art with the people you serve? These free art therapy coloring pages can help you bring the therapeutic value of art into your work. Do you notice that the people you help sometimes open up and...
When You Resist Your Feelings: There’s no “Trying” in Emotions!
When I was thinking about this post, a little scene from A League Of Their Own popped into my head: Well, in the world of emotion, sometimes there is lots of crying! But there is no trying, especially when it comes to feelings you are resisting. Having emotions is about ALLOWING. It is about...
Our Heart is Expanding! New Satellite Office in Costa Mesa
A new Art Therapy resource for Orange County! One Heart Counseling Center is excited to announce its new location in Costa Mesa, close to the 405, 73, and 55 freeways. Our new satellite office offers mindfulness based therapy, art therapy, and counseling services for children, teens, and adults dealing with a wide variety of...
Emotions: Are They in the Way or Getting You on the Way?
“Emotions can get in the way or get you on the way.” -Mavis Mazhura So, how are you supposed to tell the difference? Are they getting in the way? Or getting you on the way? Let’s break this down. –> We have emotions that are current. –> We...
Help Your Child Build This Essential Skill
Our very own Anna Pirkl, M.A., MFT, ATR, LAADAC partnered with South Bay Families Connected to produce this short video to support parents in knowing how to support their kids in building compassion. Anna talks about specific ways to do this with your child, in your home and in your community. South Bay Families...
Feedback: Take it or Leave it? Here’s a Guide.
Everybody loves to share their thoughts on what and how you are doing. How are you supposed to filter through all that feedback? There are two ends of the spectrum here. There is the end of the spectrum where you trust what other people say about you or what you should do over trusting your own...
Children and Grief: How You Can Understand and Support Your Kids
Grieving is a natural response when someone you loved has died. It is such a tricky and challenging process to navigate and it will be a different journey for everyone. Children, in particular, will grieve their own way. But because children and even teenagers understand death differently than adults do, often times their responses...