
3 Reasons To Consider In-home Therapy as a New Parent

You’ve just come home from the hospital with your new baby and you’re sleep deprived, not knowing which way is up and which way is down, if it’s day or night, if you’ve eaten or not eaten.  Those first few days, weeks, and months even can be one of life’s biggest adjustments and changes.  

Even with extensive support from friends and family, as new parents, it can be difficult to find your own rhythm and decide what works best for your and your family.  In an age of mommy blogs, online support groups and chat rooms, you have a myriad of options to finding support and answers when you’re questioning what to do in this new phase of life.  The amount of information out there however can be too much at times and not specific or personal to your specific needs or questions.  

In contrast, you may find if you lack a circle of support from friends or family, the experience of becoming a new parent can be overwhelming in its isolation.  

Here’s where thinking outside the box and considering in-home mental health support may be beneficial specifically for this phase of life.  

1) It’s convenient and comfortable

One of the most significant advantages of in-home therapy is its convenience. New parents often have tight schedules and may struggle to find time for traditional therapy sessions in an office.  Offices also may not be accommodating to the physical limitations that happen specifically in the first 6 weeks postpartum.  

In-home therapy eliminates the need to travel, allowing you to access support in the comfort of your own home. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial if you’re also dealing with unpredictable sleep/wake schedules and the demands of caring for a newborn.  If your baby wakes early or doesn’t go to sleep as planned, your therapist can be there with you and support you through that struggle.  

Similarly this allows for feedings to take place during sessions as needed and for you to receive emotional support through feeding challenges if there are any.  Parents and infants will feel more comfortable in their own home environment and it can ease some of the anxiety about being vulnerable and addressing concerns and challenges as a new parent.

Virtual sessions also offer the ease and convenience of not having to leave your home.  This is a valuable and preferred method for many parents in a post pandemic world and can offer many of these same benefits of in-home therapy.

2) Tailored Approaches specific to you and your family

In-home therapists can offer guidance that is specifically tailored to your unique situation. Whether you’re dealing with postpartum depression, anxiety, relationship adjustments, or challenges establishing routines, an in-home therapist can provide strategies relevant to your particular needs and circumstances because they’re there getting the full picture.  

A therapist visiting your home has the advantage of observing your family dynamics in the context where they unfold.  For example if the baby starts crying mid-session, the therapist can support you with your approach to soothing or reducing any anxiety or stress you may experience in that moment by offering practical advice or validation. They can offer recommendations on everything from optimizing sleep routines to managing household stress, all based on real-life observations.

3) More holistic approach

In-home therapists can often approach things more holistically.  Meaning the therapists are considering not just your individual concerns, but how they fit into the broader family picture. The therapist can join you individually or as a couple or even with extended broader family members to creatively address and support adjustment so that there is better balance and support.  This approach can help improve family harmony and how you all work towards adjusting to the new rhythm an infant brings to the family.  

In-home therapy offers new parents a personalized, convenient, and holistic approach to navigating the complexities of parenthood. There are so many developmental and emotional milestones in those first few months not just for the new infant, but for parents too!  

Having an in-home therapist, especially while parents may be on paternal leave from work or if they may be struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety can be incredibly transformative in the parenting experience.  Investing in this support can help new parents build confidence, manage stress, and create a nurturing environment for both themselves and their newborn in the most crucial moments.

Our in house perinatal specialist Chelsea Derossi, MFT, ATR is a Certified Perinatal Mental Health Counselor.  Please contact us and we’ll get you in touch with Chelsea to see if it’s a good fit and how she can best support you.

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